Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I was misled into thinking wifi was free at the hotel, and it is very expensive. we'll figure something out. i paid 7euros for 3 hours of internet so i can update the blog and quickly oovoo you kids tonight. maybe just logging in quickly the next few days or something.

today was such a busy day.

oh wait, did i tell you how awesome rome is???? this city is just incredible. i ran out of words to use to describe some of these things, but rome is not even really in the realm of comprehending. it's age, it's beauty, it's charism. we have walked everywhere, we haven't taken a bus yet. they always look so busy and not like much fun. so we have walked. although we have appts in the vatican the next two days (and did today too), and that was a long walk. we walked at a pretty good clip this morning and made it in 45 minutes.

hmm... i'm so exhausted i can't even think of what year it is. lol. but i will try my best to give a quick update on what we did today and then will go upload some photos to photobucket. head over there to view pics, i am just talking on here now, with timed interenet i want to use all the time i can to talk to you kids and not waste it uploading pics. i think when i get home i will take some of this talk and put it with the pics and make it into a photo album of sorts.

ok. this morning we woke up at 6:30am rome time (that would be 1:30am at home with the time change), and we got ready and got all our rosaries together and went to the breakfast, which was incredibly small, but it worked. then we booked it over to the vatican. the audience with the pope started at 10:30. we were told if we wanted a good seat, to arrive around 8:30. so, we arrived right at 8:30. we got the 5th row seat. it was incredible!!!! a little slow for the listening to the other languages, but we knew when he was giving us all a blessing. he extended the blessing to us in attendance, and also to our family members and anyone else who we brought forward in our minds. so any of you who are reading this got blessed by the pope today!!

after the papal audience, we went to a little cafe for lunch. had some very tasty lasagna. then did a little more window shopping. i was in heaven with all the catholic stores down right outside the vatican. i can't wait to head back in tomorrow and do some more shopping! at 2:15 we met with a couple seminarians who gave us an awesome tour of st peter's. wow. wait until you see the pics from this church. the biggest church in the world. and so grand and gold and huge. it was incredibly amazing. there were a ton of people in there and the tour took awhile. the guy giving us the tour knew so incredibly much about the church and the history, it was just amazing. it was an american tour, so it was nice to have that breath of english again!!

after the tour, i was sooo tired, so we went to another little cafe and had some mottzerella pizza. then we started the long walk back to the hotel. i was so tired i took two breaks, and was going very slow, so the walk took us a lot longer on the way back. tomorrow we will either use the bus, or rent bikes. walking that far again just doesn't sound appetizing right now. we are suppose to go and do laundry yet tonight. we will see how i feel after a quick break. :)

we should be on to oovoo tonight kids, so 'see' you then!! miss you sooo much and love you to pieces!!!! love, mom and dad

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