Saturday, March 7, 2009

We took a little walk. Bought you kids some post cards, walked around trying to find the post office and when we finally found it, it was closed. oh no! so we will ask where we can buy stamps when we head down to dinner in a few minutes. Then we were in search of the bigger train station to buy our tickets to Rome, but the roads where we are at are so confusing. With both Dad and I studying the maps, we still got mixed up and we thought we were walking AWAY from our hotel and we ended up right back here! So we are resting before we head down to dinner.

The neighborhood we are staying at is pure France. This is not a tourist district. We are outside the main part of Paris, where most of the maps cover. Which is really neat!! We can see and hear and live how they do! There are very few people who speak English (or who will admit to it, LOL). All the little pastry shops and the lunch we had, everything is in French. All the streets and billboards, French. It is very cool and very educational, even for old fuddy duddies like your mom and dad! :)

Here is a picture of a pastiers shop:
And dad and mom, dad has a fresh baquette. mmmm, it was so tasty! daddy was in his glory!! and we also got chocolate eclairs. wow, was that ever rich and delicious!
and some random pictures down the streets we were walking:
And the parking here is crazy!! You should see all the cars parked like you boys, Hayden and Cory, park all your hotwheels:
Off to go get some dinner and see if we can still get our train tickets tonight. Love you! Mom and Dad.


  1. Glad you've made it and are getting a good dose of French! :) Enjoy your days. Don't forget to try a crepe before you leave. Fruit ones are yum!

  2. Love the parking job!! Living in Colorado, I need my "space."
